Business & Corporate Law

General / Partnerships / Construction / Bankruptcy

CCFF attorneys have assisted entrepreneurs, managers, and operators from the initial business planning, organization, operation, and growth stages of all forms of business including public and private financing ownership planning, and ultimate disposition. Our services include assisting in the choice and formation of entities and preparation, purchase, and sale of businesses, franchises and licenses. In a business environment, the best representation and advice comes from a thorough understanding of the client's business. Our attorneys have had practical experience including the conceiving, creating, operating, buying, and selling of numerous businesses.

Partnerships, Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances

CCFF serves clients requesting complex ownership structures including partnerships, limited liability companies, joint ventures, and other strategic alliances. We are knowledgeable about the options available and their business value to the client, such as tax structure and litigation avoidance.


CCFF has substantial involvement in the field of Construction Law, representing owners, contractors, and design professionals. Our construction practice attorneys are involved in contract document drafting and negotiation public and private projects including: agreements between owners , contractors, and subcontractors, contracts involving stipulated sums, cost-plus consideration, construction management, design-build, and those between owners and design professionals.

CCFF is well aware of customary industry trades and alternative provisions, including those in the heavily negotiated areas of indemnity and insurance. After completed contract negotiations, our firm's work continues during the course of the project with scope of the work issues and contract compliance.

CCFF provides counseling in:

  • Claims administration and disputes

  • Termination of contracts

  • Dealing with sureties and bonds

  • Filing of or bonding around mechanic's and materialmen's liens.

When disputes cannot otherwise be resolved, we will aggressively represent our clients in the litigation of construction disputes in court and in alternative dispute resolution forums.


CCFF has attorneys with extensive trial and appellate experience in bankruptcy. Representation for creditors involves:

  • Filing of claims

  • Filing motions to lift stay

  • Objections to exemptions

  • Adversary proceedings to deny or to determine dischargeability of debt,

  • Numerous other bankruptcy law matters.

The Business Law Team